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sphinxsearchHow can I use SphinxSearch with PHP?

SphinxSearch is an open source full-text search engine that can be integrated with PHP. To use SphinxSearch with PHP, you will need to install the php-sphinx library. Once installed, you can use the following code to connect to the SphinxSearch server and execute a search:

$sphinx = new SphinxClient();
$sphinx->setServer("localhost", 9312);
$result = $sphinx->query("search_term");
if ($result === false) {
    echo "Query failed: " . $sphinx->getLastError();
} else {

The code above will output an array containing the search results, including the total number of results, and an array of the matched documents.

  1. $sphinx = new SphinxClient() creates a new SphinxClient object.
  2. $sphinx->setServer("localhost", 9312) sets the host and port of the SphinxSearch server.
  3. $result = $sphinx->query("search_term") executes the search query and returns the result.
  4. if ($result === false) {...} checks if the query was successful.
  5. echo "Query failed: " . $sphinx->getLastError() prints out the error message if the query failed.
  6. print_r($result) prints out the search results.

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