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sphinxsearchHow do I access and use the SphinxSearch source code?

  1. To access and use the SphinxSearch source code, you need to clone the project from GitHub. You can do this by running the following command:
$ git clone https://github.com/sphinxsearch/sphinx.git
  1. Once the project has been cloned, you can then compile the source code by running the following commands:
$ cd sphinx
$ ./configure
$ make
$ make install
  1. After the source code has been compiled, you can then use the SphinxSearch API to interact with the search engine. The API consists of the following parts:
    • SphinxClient - This is the main class used for interacting with the search engine. It provides methods for connecting to the server, sending queries, and retrieving results.
    • SphinxQL - This is a SQL-like query language that can be used to query the search engine.
    • SphinxUtil - This is a utility class that provides various helper methods for dealing with SphinxSearch.
  2. You can find detailed documentation on how to use the API here.
  3. You can also find examples of how to use the API here.
  4. Additionally, you can find a collection of sample applications written in various languages here.
  5. Finally, you can find a list of resources and tutorials here.

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