9951 explained code solutions for 126 technologies

sphinxsearchHow do I install SphinxSearch on Ubuntu 20.04?

  1. Download the latest version of SphinxSearch from sphinxsearch.com.
  2. Extract the files in the downloaded archive:
tar -xzvf sphinx-<version>.tar.gz
  1. Change directory to the extracted folder:
cd sphinx-<version>
  1. Configure the build:
./configure --prefix=/usr/local/sphinx
  1. Compile and install SphinxSearch:
sudo make install
  1. Start the searchd daemon:
/usr/local/sphinx/bin/searchd --config /path/to/sphinx.conf
  1. Verify the installation by using the SphinxQL client:
/usr/local/sphinx/bin/sphinxql -h127.0.0.1 -p9306

Code explanation


  • tar -xzvf sphinx-<version>.tar.gz: Extract the files in the downloaded archive.
  • cd sphinx-<version>: Change directory to the extracted folder.
  • ./configure --prefix=/usr/local/sphinx: Configure the build.
  • make: Compile the source code.
  • sudo make install: Install SphinxSearch.
  • /usr/local/sphinx/bin/searchd --config /path/to/sphinx.conf: Start the searchd daemon.
  • /usr/local/sphinx/bin/sphinxql -h127.0.0.1 -p9306: Verify the installation by using the SphinxQL client.

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