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sphinxsearchHow do I create and manage RT indexes using SphinxSearch?

SphinxSearch is a full-text search engine for databases and websites. It provides a powerful and efficient way to create and manage RT indexes.

RT indexes are used for real-time searches, which can be used to quickly find documents that match a given query. They are created using the index command in SphinxSearch. The command takes the following parameters:

  • name: The name of the index
  • source: The source from which the index will be built (e.g. a database table)
  • path: The path where the index will be stored
  • rt: A flag indicating that the index should be an RT index

For example, to create an RT index called my_index from a table called my_table, the following command can be used:

index my_index
    source = my_table
    path = /var/sphinx/data/my_index

Once the index is created, it can be managed with the indexer command. The command takes the following parameters:

  • name: The name of the index
  • action: The action to be performed (e.g. build, merge, rotate)

For example, to build the my_index index, the following command can be used:

indexer --buildstops my_index

This will build the index and create the necessary stopwords.

Finally, the index can be queried using the search command. The command takes the following parameters:

  • index: The name of the index to query
  • query: The query to be executed

For example, to search for documents containing the word "foo" in the my_index index, the following command can be used:

search my_index foo

This will search the index and return a list of documents that match the query.

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