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sphinxsearchHow do I install SphinxSearch on GitHub?

  1. To install SphinxSearch on GitHub, first clone the repository from the official SphinxSearch GitHub page:
git clone https://github.com/sphinxsearch/sphinx.git
  1. Then, navigate to the cloned repository directory:
cd sphinx
  1. Next, configure the build with the following command:
  1. After the build is successfully configured, compile the source code with the following command:
  1. Finally, install SphinxSearch with the following command:
sudo make install
  1. After installation is complete, you can start the SphinxSearch daemon with the following command:
searchd --config sphinx.conf
  1. You can also test the installation by running the following command:
search test

Code explanation


  • git clone https://github.com/sphinxsearch/sphinx.git - clones the SphinxSearch repository from the official GitHub page
  • cd sphinx - navigates to the cloned repository directory
  • ./configure - configures the build
  • make - compiles the source code
  • sudo make install - installs SphinxSearch
  • searchd --config sphinx.conf - starts the SphinxSearch daemon
  • search test - tests the installation

## Helpful links

Edit this code on GitHub