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sqliteHow can I query a SQLite database in a case insensitive manner?

To query a SQLite database in a case insensitive manner, one can use the LIKE operator with the COLLATE NOCASE option. This allows for the comparison of strings to be done in a case insensitive way. For example, the following query will return all the entries in the users table whose first names start with the letter 'a':


The output of this query would be something like:

id | first_name | last_name
1  | Alice      | Smith
2  | Adam       | Johnson
3  | Anthony    | Anderson

The parts of the query are as follows:

  • SELECT * FROM users - This is the standard SQL query syntax to select all entries from the users table.
  • WHERE first_name LIKE 'a%' - This is the condition to filter the entries whose first name starts with the letter 'a'.
  • COLLATE NOCASE - This is the option to make the comparison of strings case insensitive.

For more information on how to query a SQLite database, see the following links:

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