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sqliteHow do I generate a row number for each record in a SQLite database?

To generate a row number for each record in a SQLite database, you can use the row_number() window function. This function assigns a sequential integer to each row in the result set.

For example, the following code block generates a row number for each record in the customers table:

    row_number() OVER (ORDER BY customer_id) AS row_num,
FROM customers;

This code block returns the following output:

row_num  customer_id  first_name  last_name
1        1            John        Smith
2        2            Jane        Doe
3        3            Joe         Brown

The code consists of the following parts:

  • SELECT: specifies the columns to be included in the result set
  • row_number() OVER (ORDER BY customer_id): generates a sequential integer for each row in the result set, ordered by the customer_id column
  • AS row_num: assigns the name row_num to the generated row number
  • FROM customers: specifies the table from which the data is to be retrieved

For more information, see the SQLite documentation.

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