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sqliteHow do I install and use SQLite on Ubuntu?

  1. Install SQLite on Ubuntu by running the command sudo apt-get install sqlite3 in a terminal window.
  2. Create a new database by running the command sqlite3 <database_name> in the same terminal window.
  3. Create a table in the database by running the command CREATE TABLE <table_name> (<column_name> <data_type>).
  4. Add records to the table using the command INSERT INTO <table_name> VALUES (<value1>, <value2>, ...).
  5. Retrieve records from the table using the command SELECT * FROM <table_name>.
  6. Update existing records using the command UPDATE <table_name> SET <column_name> = <new_value> WHERE <column_name> = <value>.
  7. Delete records from the table using the command DELETE FROM <table_name> WHERE <column_name> = <value>.

Example code block:

sqlite> CREATE TABLE users (name TEXT, age INTEGER);
sqlite> INSERT INTO users VALUES ('John', 25);
sqlite> SELECT * FROM users;

name        age
----------  ----------
John        25

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