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sqliteHow do I install SQLite?

  1. Download the SQLite source code and compile it according to the instructions.

  2. Unzip the downloaded file, then cd into the unzipped directory:

$ unzip sqlite-autoconf-*.zip
$ cd sqlite-autoconf-*
  1. Configure the compilation process with the configure command:
$ ./configure
  1. Compile the code with make:
$ make
  1. Install SQLite with make install:
$ make install
  1. Verify that the installation was successful by running sqlite3:
$ sqlite3
SQLite version 3.33.0 2020-08-14 16:22:30
Enter ".help" for usage hints.
Connected to a transient in-memory database.
Use ".open FILENAME" to reopen on a persistent database.
  1. To learn more about SQLite, check out the SQLite Documentation.

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