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sqliteHow do I use a SQLite GUID?

A GUID (Globally Unique Identifier) is a 128-bit number used to uniquely identify records in a SQLite database. To use a GUID in SQLite, you must use the UUID function. This function takes no parameters and returns a unique GUID.

Example code


Example output:


The code above will generate a new GUID each time it is called. You can use this GUID to identify a record in a table. For example, to create a new record with a GUID in a table named users:

INSERT INTO users (id, name) VALUES (UUID(), 'John Doe');

The code above will insert a new row into the users table with a unique GUID as the id and John Doe as the name.

Code explanation

  • SELECT UUID();: This statement selects the UUID() function, which generates a new GUID.
  • INSERT INTO users (id, name) VALUES (UUID(), 'John Doe');: This statement inserts a new row into the users table with a unique GUID as the id and John Doe as the name.

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