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tesseract-ocrHow can I configure Tesseract OCR options?

Tesseract OCR options can be configured using the command line interface. The basic command structure is tesseract imagename outputbase [-l lang] [options] where imagename is the image file to be processed, outputbase is the output file name, lang is the language of the text in the image, and options are any additional options.

For example, to configure Tesseract to output the text in a PDF file, the command would be:

tesseract imagename outputbase.pdf -l eng pdf

The -l option sets the language of the text in the image, and the pdf option specifies that the output should be a PDF file.

Additional options can be passed to Tesseract to customize the OCR output. For example, to set the page segmentation mode to single line, the option --psm 6 can be used.

tesseract imagename outputbase.pdf -l eng pdf --psm 6

The full list of options can be found in the Tesseract documentation.

The options can also be set in a configuration file using the -c option. For example, to set the page segmentation mode to single line, the configuration file would look like this:

tessedit_pageseg_mode 6

The configuration file can then be passed to Tesseract using the -c option:

tesseract imagename outputbase.pdf -l eng pdf -c config.txt

These options can be used to customize the output of Tesseract OCR.

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