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tesseract-ocrHow do I use Tesseract OCR to process a PNG image?

Using Tesseract OCR to process a PNG image involves several steps.

  1. Install Tesseract OCR on your machine.
  2. Load the image into your program.
  3. Pass the image to the Tesseract OCR engine for processing.

Example code

from PIL import Image
import pytesseract

# Load the image
image = Image.open('image.png')

# Pass the image to Tesseract OCR engine
text = pytesseract.image_to_string(image)

# Output the text

Output example

This is some text from a PNG image.

The code above loads the image using the Pillow library (Image.open()) and passes it to the Tesseract OCR engine (pytesseract.image_to_string()) to process. The output is then printed out.

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