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tesseract-ocrHow can I use Tesseract OCR online?

Tesseract OCR (Optical Character Recognition) is an open source tool that can be used to recognize text from images. It can be used online by using the Tesseract.js library. Tesseract.js is a pure Javascript port of the popular Tesseract OCR engine. It can be used in the browser as well as in Node.js applications.

Example code

const { createWorker } = require("tesseract.js");

const worker = createWorker();

(async () => {
  await worker.load();
  await worker.loadLanguage("eng");
  await worker.initialize("eng");
  const { data: { text } } = await worker.recognize("image.png");
  await worker.terminate();

The above code is an example of how to use Tesseract OCR online. The code first loads the Tesseract.js library, then creates a worker instance. It then loads the English language and initializes it. Finally, it uses the recognize method to recognize text from an image file and prints the text to the console.

Code explanation

  1. const { createWorker } = require("tesseract.js");: This line imports the Tesseract.js library and creates a worker instance.
  2. await worker.loadLanguage("eng");: This line loads the English language.
  3. await worker.initialize("eng");: This line initializes the English language.
  4. const { data: { text } } = await worker.recognize("image.png");: This line uses the recognize method to recognize text from an image file.
  5. console.log(text);: This line prints the recognized text to the console.
  6. await worker.terminate();: This line terminates the worker instance.

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