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tesseract-ocrHow can I use tesseract ocr portable to recognize text in images?

Tesseract OCR is an open source optical character recognition (OCR) engine. It can be used to recognize text in images. To use tesseract OCR portable, you need to have Python 3 installed.

First, you need to install the tesseract-ocr library with the following command:

pip install tesseract-ocr

Once installed, you can use the Tesseract OCR engine to recognize text in images. For example, the following code will recognize text in an image file called 'image.jpg':

from PIL import Image
import pytesseract

img = Image.open('image.jpg')
text = pytesseract.image_to_string(img)

The output of the code above will be the text recognized from the image.

The code consists of the following parts:

  • from PIL import Image: imports the Python Imaging Library (PIL) module which is used to open the image file.
  • import pytesseract: imports the pytesseract module which is used to recognize text in images.
  • img = Image.open('image.jpg'): opens the image file.
  • text = pytesseract.image_to_string(img): uses the pytesseract module to recognize text in the image.
  • print(text): prints the recognized text from the image.

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