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tesseract-ocrHow can I use Tesseract OCR with CUDA for faster image processing?

Using Tesseract OCR with CUDA can significantly speed up image processing. To use Tesseract OCR with CUDA, first install the Tesseract OCR library and the CUDA Toolkit. Then, when running the Tesseract OCR library, specify the --tessdata-dir option and the --oem option to enable CUDA.

Here is an example of how to use Tesseract OCR with CUDA:

tesseract image.jpg output --tessdata-dir <path/to/tessdata> --oem 1

Code explanation

  • tesseract: This is the command to run the Tesseract OCR library.
  • image.jpg: This is the image file to be processed.
  • output: This is the name of the output file.
  • --tessdata-dir <path/to/tessdata>: This is the option to specify the directory of the Tesseract OCR data.
  • --oem 1: This is the option to enable CUDA.

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