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tesseract-ocrHow can I use Tesseract OCR with HuggingFace?

You can use Tesseract OCR with HuggingFace by using the transformers library. This library allows you to integrate Tesseract OCR with HuggingFace's natural language processing (NLP) models. Here is an example of how you can use Tesseract OCR with HuggingFace:

from transformers import pipeline

text_recognition = pipeline('ocr')

# Pass the image to the pipeline
result = text_recognition('path/to/image.png')

# Print the text

The output of the code above will be a list of text that was detected in the image.

The code is composed of the following parts:

  1. Importing the pipeline from the transformers library.
  2. Creating a text recognition pipeline with the pipeline function.
  3. Passing the image to the pipeline with the text_recognition function.
  4. Printing the text with the print function.

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