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tesseract-ocrHow do I configure the output format of tesseract OCR?

# include tesseract library
import tesseract

# set output format to hocr
api = tesseract.TessBaseAPI()

# run tesseract with image file

# get output
text = api.GetUTF8Text()

# print output

The above example code will configure the output format of tesseract OCR to hOCR (HTML-based Open Document Format for the Recognition of Text). It will also run tesseract with an image file my_image.png and print the output.

The code consists of the following parts:

  1. import tesseract: This imports the tesseract library.
  2. api = tesseract.TessBaseAPI(): This creates an instance of the TessBaseAPI class.
  3. api.SetPageSegMode(tesseract.PSM_AUTO): This sets the page segmentation mode to auto.
  4. api.SetOutputFormat(tesseract.RIL_HOCR): This sets the output format to hOCR.
  5. api.SetImageFile('my_image.png'): This sets the image file to the given file.
  6. api.Recognize(): This runs tesseract on the given image file.
  7. text = api.GetUTF8Text(): This gets the output in UTF-8 encoded text.
  8. print(text): This prints the output.

For more information on configuring the output format of tesseract OCR, please refer to the following links:

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