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tesseract-ocrHow do I create and use Tesseract OCR models?

Creating and using Tesseract OCR models requires a few steps. First, you need to install Tesseract and the language data for the languages you wish to use. Then, you need to create a tessdata directory and place the language data files in it.

Once you have the language data installed, you can create a Tesseract OCR model using the tesseract_ocr.py script. This script takes an image file and a language as parameters and produces a trained Tesseract OCR model.

For example:

python tesseract_ocr.py -i my_image.png -l eng

This will create a Tesseract OCR model for the English language using the image file my_image.png.

Once you have a Tesseract OCR model, you can use it to recognize text from an image. To do this, you can use the tesseract command line tool.

For example:

tesseract my_image.png output

This will use the Tesseract OCR model to recognize text from the image file my_image.png and output the recognized text in a file called output.txt.

Code explanation

  • tesseract_ocr.py - This script is used to create a Tesseract OCR model from an image file and a language.
  • tesseract - This command line tool is used to recognize text from an image using a Tesseract OCR model.

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