tesseract-ocrHow do I download the Tesseract OCR executable?
To download the Tesseract OCR executable, you can use the following steps:
Go to the Tesseract GitHub page.
Scroll down to the section titled "Downloads".
Click on the link for the version of the Tesseract executable you'd like to download.
Once the download is complete, you can open the executable and begin using Tesseract OCR.
For example, if you wanted to download the Windows executable, you could use the following code:
curl -O https://github.com/UB-Mannheim/tesseract/releases/download/4.1.1/tesseract-ocr-4.1.1.exe
This code would download the Tesseract OCR executable to the current directory.
Helpful links
More of Tesseract Ocr
- How can I use Tesseract OCR with Xamarin Forms?
- How do I install Tesseract-OCR using Yum?
- How can I use UiPath to implement Tesseract OCR language processing?
- How can I use Python to get the coordinates of words detected by Tesseract OCR?
- How do I use Tesseract OCR to extract text from a ZIP file?
- How do I set the Windows path for Tesseract OCR?
- How do I create a traineddata file for Tesseract OCR?
- How can I use Tesseract OCR with VBA?
- How do I install Tesseract OCR on Windows?
- How do I add Tesseract OCR to my environment variables?
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