9951 explained code solutions for 126 technologies

tesseract-ocrHow do I use Tesseract OCR to scan a barcode?

Using Tesseract OCR to scan a barcode requires a few steps. First, the image of the barcode must be preprocessed to ensure it is properly formatted for OCR. This includes ensuring the image is properly cropped, and that the contrast is high enough for OCR to detect the barcode.

Second, the image must be passed to Tesseract OCR for processing. This can be done using the following code:

import pytesseract
from PIL import Image

# Path to image
img = Image.open('barcode.png')

# Pass image to Tesseract OCR
text = pytesseract.image_to_string(img)

The output of this code will be the barcode text.

Third, the text output must be parsed to extract the barcode data. This is usually done by splitting the text on the spaces, and then decoding the individual numbers.

Finally, the barcode data can be used for whatever purpose is required.

Code explanation


  1. import pytesseract - imports the Tesseract OCR library.
  2. from PIL import Image - imports the Python Imaging Library (PIL), which is used for image manipulation.
  3. img = Image.open('barcode.png') - opens the image of the barcode.
  4. text = pytesseract.image_to_string(img) - passes the image to Tesseract OCR for processing.
  5. print(text) - prints the text output of the OCR processing.

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