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tesseract-ocrHow do I use the Tesseract OCR font for text recognition?

To use the Tesseract OCR font for text recognition, you need to first install the Tesseract OCR package. This can be done using a package manager such as Homebrew or MacPorts.

Once the package is installed, you can use the Tesseract command line tool to recognize text from an image. The command line tool takes an image as an input and outputs a text file containing the recognized text.

For example, to recognize text from an image named image.png, you can use the following command:

tesseract image.png output

This will create a text file called output.txt containing the recognized text.

You can also specify a specific language for the text recognition using the -l flag. For example, to recognize text from an image in French, you can use the following command:

tesseract -l fra image.png output

In addition, you can also specify a specific font for the text recognition using the --psm flag. For example, to recognize text from an image using the Tesseract OCR font, you can use the following command:

tesseract --psm 6 image.png output

This will create a text file called output.txt containing the recognized text using the Tesseract OCR font.

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