tesseract-ocrHow do I use the tesseract OCR Windows exe?
Tesseract OCR is an open source optical character recognition (OCR) engine. It can be used to extract text from images and convert them into editable text.
To use the Tesseract OCR Windows exe, you need to download the Tesseract OCR Windows installer from this link. After installation, you can use the Tesseract OCR command line tool to extract text from an image.
For example, to extract text from an image file named image.png
, you can use the following command:
tesseract image.png output
This command will create a text file named output.txt
in the same directory as the image file. The text file will contain the extracted text from the image.
You can also specify the language of the text in the image by adding the -l
flag to the command. For example, if the text in the image is in French, you can use the following command:
tesseract image.png output -l fra
This command will create a text file named output.txt
in the same directory as the image file. The text file will contain the extracted text from the image in French.
You can find more information about the Tesseract OCR command line tool here.
More of Tesseract Ocr
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