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tesseract-ocrHow to install and use Tesseract OCR on Arch Linux?

  1. Install Tesseract OCR on Arch Linux:
    sudo pacman -S tesseract
  2. Install the language data package you need:
    sudo pacman -S tesseract-data-<lang>

    Replace <lang> with the language you need, for example eng.

  3. Test the installation by running Tesseract on an image:
    tesseract <image_file> <output_file>

    This will produce an output file containing the text extracted from the image.

  4. To use Tesseract with other languages, specify the language code as an argument:
    tesseract <image_file> <output_file> -l <lang>

    Replace <lang> with the language code you need.

  5. To get better accuracy, you can also specify the page segmentation mode:
    tesseract <image_file> <output_file> -psm <mode>

    Replace <mode> with the page segmentation mode you need.

  6. To use Tesseract with other languages, you can also specify a custom config file:
    tesseract <image_file> <output_file> -c <config_file>

    Replace <config_file> with the path to the config file.

  7. For more information, see the Tesseract documentation and the Arch Wiki page.

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