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tesseract-ocrHow to use the Tesseract OCR Console?

The Tesseract OCR Console is a command-line tool used to recognize text in images. It can be used to convert images to text or to search for text within images.

To use the Tesseract OCR Console, you must first install the Tesseract OCR library. Once installed, you can use the following command to recognize text in an image:

tesseract <input_image_file> <output_text_file>

This command will read the text from the input image file and write it to the output text file.

You can also use the Tesseract OCR Console to search for text within an image. To do this, you can use the following command:

tesseract <input_image_file> stdout -psm <page_segmentation_mode> -c tessedit_char_whitelist=<characters_to_search_for>

This command will search for the specified characters within the image and output the results to the console.

Code explanation

  • tesseract: This is the command used to invoke the Tesseract OCR library.
  • <input_image_file>: This is the path to the image file containing the text to be recognized.
  • <output_text_file>: This is the path to the output text file that will contain the recognized text.
  • -psm <page_segmentation_mode>: This is an optional argument used to specify the page segmentation mode.
  • -c tessedit_char_whitelist=<characters_to_search_for>: This is an optional argument used to specify the characters to search for.

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