angularjsHow can I implement internationalization (i18n) in an AngularJS application?
Internationalization (i18n) in an AngularJS application can be implemented using the angular-translate library. This library provides a service that can be used to translate strings in an application.
To use the library, it must first be included in the application, either through a script tag or by using a module loader such as RequireJS.
<script src="angular-translate.js"></script>
Then, the library must be included as a module dependency in the application.
angular.module('myApp', ['pascalprecht.translate'])
The translation service must then be configured with the different languages that the application will support. This can be done with the $translateProvider.
angular.module('myApp', ['pascalprecht.translate'])
.config(function ($translateProvider) {
$translateProvider.translations('en', {
'HELLO': 'Hello'
$translateProvider.translations('de', {
'HELLO': 'Hallo'
Finally, the translation service can be used to translate strings in the application.
<p>{{ 'HELLO' | translate }}</p>
Output example
The angular-translate library provides many more features, such as the ability to switch languages at runtime, support for pluralization, and support for asynchronous loading of language files.
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