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angularjsHow can I use AngularJS to read and write Excel (XLSX) files?

To read and write Excel (XLSX) files using AngularJS, you can use the SheetJS library. SheetJS is a JavaScript library that allows you to read and write various types of Excel files, including XLSX.

Here is an example of how to use SheetJS to read an XLSX file:

// Create a new instance of the XLSX Reader
var reader = new SheetJS.Reader();

// Read the file
reader.readFile('myfile.xlsx', function(err, data) {
    if(err) {
    } else {
        // Do something with the data

Here is an example of how to use SheetJS to write an XLSX file:

// Create a new instance of the XLSX Writer
var writer = new SheetJS.Writer();

// Write the data to the file
writer.writeFile('myfile.xlsx', data, function(err) {
    if(err) {
    } else {
        // File was successfully written

Code explanation

  • SheetJS.Reader(): Creates a new instance of the XLSX Reader.
  • reader.readFile(): Reads the file.
  • SheetJS.Writer(): Creates a new instance of the XLSX Writer.
  • writer.writeFile(): Writes the data to the file.

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