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angularjsHow do I upgrade to the latest version of AngularJS?

Upgrading to the latest version of AngularJS is a relatively straightforward process.

  1. First, check the AngularJS website to find out the latest version number.

  2. Next, install the latest version of AngularJS using the command line. For example, to install version 1.7.9:

npm install [email protected]
  1. After the installation is complete, open the index.html file and update the version number in the <script> tag:
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/angularjs/1.7.9/angular.min.js"></script>
  1. Finally, open the app.js file and update the version number in the angular.module method:
angular.module('myApp', ['ngRoute', 'ngAnimate', '1.7.9']);

That's it! You have now successfully upgraded to the latest version of AngularJS.

Note: If you're using a more recent version of AngularJS (e.g. 2.0+), the installation and updating process may be slightly different. Refer to the AngularJS documentation for more information.

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