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angularjsHow do I upload a file using AngularJS?

Uploading a file using AngularJS can be done using a combination of the $http and FormData services.

Below is an example of how to upload a file using AngularJS:

// Create a new FormData object
var fd = new FormData();

// Take the selected file from the input and append it to the FormData object
fd.append("file", fileInputElement.files[0]);

// Make an AJAX (http request) call to the server
$http.post("/upload", fd, {
    withCredentials: true,
    headers: {'Content-Type': undefined },
    transformRequest: angular.identity
.success(function(data) {
    // Handle success
.error(function(data) {
    // Handle error

This code will take the file from the fileInputElement and send it to the server using an AJAX call. The FormData object is used to store the file and the $http service is used to make the request. The withCredentials and transformRequest options are used to ensure that the file is sent correctly.

Code explanation

  • var fd = new FormData();: This line creates a new FormData object which will be used to store the file.

  • fd.append("file", fileInputElement.files[0]);: This line takes the file from the fileInputElement and appends it to the FormData object.

  • $http.post("/upload", fd, {...}): This line makes an AJAX call to the server, sending the FormData object.

  • withCredentials: true: This option is used to ensure that the file is sent correctly.

  • headers: {'Content-Type': undefined }: This option is used to ensure that the file is sent correctly.

  • transformRequest: angular.identity: This option is used to ensure that the file is sent correctly.

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