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angularjsHow do I use Jest to write unit tests for an AngularJS application?

Unit testing is an important part of software development, and Jest is a popular JavaScript testing framework that can be used to write unit tests for an AngularJS application.

To use Jest for unit testing an AngularJS application, you need to install the jest-preset-angular package, which provides the necessary configuration for Jest to work correctly with AngularJS.

Once the package is installed, you can write your tests in the same way as you would for any other JavaScript application. For example, here is a simple test that checks if a function returns the expected result:

import { myFunction } from './my-module';

test('myFunction returns expected result', () => {
  expect(myFunction(1, 2)).toBe(3);

The test will pass if the function returns the expected result, and fail if it does not.

Additionally, you can use Jest's built-in mocking capabilities to mock out any dependencies in your tests. For example, here is a test that mocks out an asynchronous call:

import { getData } from './my-module';

jest.mock('./my-module', () => ({
  getData: jest.fn(),

test('getData returns expected result', async () => {
  const result = await getData();

The test will pass if the function returns the expected result, and fail if it does not.

To learn more about using Jest for unit testing an AngularJS application, you can refer to the Jest documentation and the jest-preset-angular documentation.

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