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cli-tarHow do I use gzip tar xvf to extract a file?

To use gzip tar xvf to extract a file, you need to use the following command:

tar xvfz <filename.tar.gz>

This command will extract the contents of the compressed file <filename.tar.gz> and create a directory with the same name as the file.

The command consists of several parts:

  • tar: The tar command is used to create, modify, and extract files from an archive.
  • x: The x switch tells tar to extract the archive.
  • v: The v switch tells tar to be verbose and list the files it is extracting.
  • f: The f switch tells tar to use the file following the switch as the archive.
  • z: The z switch tells tar to use the gzip compression algorithm to decompress the archive.

Once the command is executed, you will see a list of files extracted from the archive.

Here is an example:

$ tar xvfz myfile.tar.gz

For more information on the tar command, see the tar man page.

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