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cli-tarHow do I use shell tiki tar to compress files?

Shell tiki tar is a command line utility that can be used to compress and archive files. To use it, the tar command must be followed by the -czvf option and the name of the archive. The -c option tells tar to create an archive, the -z option tells tar to compress the archive with gzip, the -v option tells tar to display progress information, and the -f option tells tar to use the following argument as the archive filename.

For example, to compress all the files in the current directory into an archive named myfiles.tar.gz, the following command can be used:

tar -czvf myfiles.tar.gz *

The command above will create a compressed archive named myfiles.tar.gz that contains all the files in the current directory.

The following list explains each option used in the command above:

  • -c: tells tar to create an archive
  • -z: tells tar to compress the archive with gzip
  • -v: tells tar to display progress information
  • -f: tells tar to use the following argument as the archive filename

For more information about using tar, please refer to the following links:

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