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cli-tarHow do I use the tar command line options?

The tar command is a Unix-based utility for archiving files and directories. It is commonly used for creating backups, compressing files, and transferring data over the network.

The tar command uses the following syntax:

tar [options] <source> <destination>

The following options are available when using the tar command:

  • -c: Create a new archive
  • -x: Extract files from an existing archive
  • -t: List the contents of an existing archive
  • -v: Display verbose output
  • -f: Specify the name of the archive file

For example, to create a new archive named myarchive.tar from the directory /home/user/mydir, you would use the following command:

tar -cvf myarchive.tar /home/user/mydir

This command will create a new archive named myarchive.tar in the current working directory.

To extract the contents of myarchive.tar into the current working directory, you would use the following command:

tar -xvf myarchive.tar

This command will extract the contents of myarchive.tar into the current working directory.

To list the contents of myarchive.tar, you would use the following command:

tar -tvf myarchive.tar

This command will list the contents of myarchive.tar in the current working directory.

For more information on the tar command and its options, see the following links:

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