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php-regexHow to match strings starting with a certain string using PHP regex?

To match strings starting with a certain string using PHP regex, you can use the preg_match() function. This function takes two parameters: a regular expression pattern and a string to match against. The pattern should start with a caret (^) followed by the string you want to match. For example, to match strings starting with "Hello":

$string = "Hello World!";

if (preg_match("/^Hello/", $string)) {
    echo "String starts with 'Hello'";

Output example

String starts with 'Hello'

The code above consists of the following parts:

  1. $string = "Hello World!"; - This assigns the string "Hello World!" to the variable $string.
  2. if (preg_match("/^Hello/", $string)) { - This uses the preg_match() function to check if the string stored in $string starts with "Hello". The ^ character in the regular expression pattern indicates that the string should start with "Hello".
  3. echo "String starts with 'Hello'"; - This prints out a message if the string stored in $string starts with "Hello".
  4. } - This closes the if statement.

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