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php-swiftmailerHow to use Swiftmailer with Symfony?

Swiftmailer is a popular library for sending emails in Symfony applications. It is easy to use and provides a lot of features.

To use Swiftmailer with Symfony, first install the library using Composer:

composer require swiftmailer/swiftmailer

Then, configure the Swiftmailer settings in the config/packages/swiftmailer.yaml file:

    transport: '%env(MAILER_URL)%'
    username: '%env(MAILER_USERNAME)%'
    password: '%env(MAILER_PASSWORD)%'

Finally, create a service to send emails using Swiftmailer:


namespace App\Service;

use Swift_Mailer;

class Mailer
    private $mailer;

    public function __construct(Swift_Mailer $mailer)
        $this->mailer = $mailer;

    public function sendEmail($subject, $from, $to, $body)
        $message = (new \Swift_Message($subject))


Code explanation

  • composer require swiftmailer/swiftmailer: Installs the Swiftmailer library.
  • swiftmailer:: Configures the Swiftmailer settings in the config/packages/swiftmailer.yaml file.
  • public function __construct(Swift_Mailer $mailer): Creates a service to send emails using Swiftmailer.
  • $message = (new \Swift_Message($subject)): Creates a new Swift_Message instance.
  • $this->mailer->send($message): Sends the email.

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