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php-swiftmailerSwiftmailer usage example

Swiftmailer is a popular library for sending emails in PHP. It is easy to use and provides a lot of features.

Example code

// Require the Swift Mailer library
require_once 'lib/swift_required.php';

// Create the Transport
$transport = Swift_SmtpTransport::newInstance('smtp.example.org', 25)

// Create the Mailer using your created Transport
$mailer = Swift_Mailer::newInstance($transport);

// Create a message
$message = Swift_Message::newInstance('Wonderful Subject')
  ->setFrom(array('[email protected]' => 'John Doe'))
  ->setTo(array('[email protected]', '[email protected]' => 'A name'))
  ->setBody('Here is the message itself');

// Send the message
$result = $mailer->send($message);

Output example


Code explanation

  • require_once 'lib/swift_required.php' - this line includes the Swift Mailer library
  • $transport = Swift_SmtpTransport::newInstance('smtp.example.org', 25) - this line creates a new SMTP transport instance
  • ->setUsername('yourusername') - this line sets the username for the SMTP server
  • ->setPassword('yourpassword') - this line sets the password for the SMTP server
  • $mailer = Swift_Mailer::newInstance($transport) - this line creates a new mailer instance using the created transport
  • $message = Swift_Message::newInstance('Wonderful Subject') - this line creates a new message instance
  • ->setFrom(array('[email protected]' => 'John Doe')) - this line sets the sender of the message
  • ->setTo(array('[email protected]', '[email protected]' => 'A name')) - this line sets the recipients of the message
  • ->setBody('Here is the message itself') - this line sets the body of the message
  • $result = $mailer->send($message) - this line sends the message

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