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phpmailerHow do I check which version of PHPMailer I'm using?

To check which version of PHPMailer you are using, you can use the getVersion() method. This method will return the version of PHPMailer you are currently using.

Example code

require 'PHPMailerAutoload.php';
$mail = new PHPMailer;
echo $mail->getVersion();

Output example


The code above will output the version of PHPMailer you are currently using. The require statement is used to include the PHPMailerAutoload.php file, which contains the PHPMailer class. The PHPMailer class is then instantiated to create an object, $mail. Finally, the getVersion() method is called on the $mail object to retrieve the version of PHPMailer.

For more information on the getVersion() method, you can visit the PHPMailer documentation.

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