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phpunitHow to mock a property in PHPUnit?

Mocking a property in PHPUnit can be done using the setProperty method of the PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase class.

$mock = $this->getMockBuilder('MyClass')


$this->setProperty($mock, 'myProperty', 'bar');

The code above will set the myProperty property of the MyClass mock object to bar.

Code explanation

  1. $mock = $this->getMockBuilder('MyClass') - creates a mock object of the MyClass class.
  2. ->setMethods(array('myMethod')) - sets the methods to be mocked.
  3. ->getMock(); - returns the mock object.
  4. $mock->expects($this->any()) - sets the expectation for the myMethod method.
  5. ->method('myMethod') - specifies the method to be mocked.
  6. ->will($this->returnValue('foo')); - sets the return value for the myMethod method.
  7. $this->setProperty($mock, 'myProperty', 'bar'); - sets the myProperty property of the MyClass mock object to bar.

Output example

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