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rustExample of struct of structs in Rust

Structs of structs in Rust are a way of nesting structs within each other. This allows for more complex data structures to be created.

Example code

struct Outer {
    inner: Inner,

struct Inner {
    data: i32,

fn main() {
    let outer = Outer {
        inner: Inner { data: 5 },

    println!("The inner data is: {}", outer.inner.data);

Output example

The inner data is: 5

Code explanation

  • struct Outer: This is the outer struct which contains an inner struct.
  • struct Inner: This is the inner struct which contains a data field.
  • let outer = Outer { inner: Inner { data: 5 } }: This creates an instance of the outer struct, with an instance of the inner struct inside it.
  • println!("The inner data is: {}", outer.inner.data): This prints out the data field of the inner struct.

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