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rustExample of struct private field in Rust

Struct private fields in Rust are fields that are not accessible outside of the struct. This can be controlled by using the pub keyword - use it to make public fields, while skip it for private ones.

Example code

struct MyStruct {
    pub field1: i32,
    field2: i32,

fn main() {
    let my_struct = MyStruct {
        field1: 1,
        field2: 2,

    println!("field1: {}", my_struct.field1);
    println!("field2: {}", my_struct.field2);

Output example

field1: 1
field2: 2

Code explanation

  • struct MyStruct {: This is the start of the struct definition.
  • pub field1: i32,: This is the first field of the struct, which is public and can be accessed outside of the struct.
  • field2: i32,: This is the second field of the struct, which is private and cannot be accessed outside of the struct.
  • let my_struct = MyStruct {: This is the start of the struct initialization.
  • field1: 1,: This is the initialization of the first field of the struct.
  • field2: 2,: This is the initialization of the second field of the struct.
  • println!("field1: {}", my_struct.field1);: This is the print statement for the first field of the struct, which is public and can be accessed outside of the struct.
  • println!("field2: {}", my_struct.field2);: This is the print statement for the second field of the struct, which is private and cannot be accessed outside of the struct.

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