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rustExample of Rust struct with closure

A Rust struct with closure is a struct that contains a closure as a field. A closure is a function that can capture variables from its environment and use them in its body.

Example code

struct ClosureStruct {
    closure: Box<dyn Fn() -> i32>,

fn main() {
    let closure_struct = ClosureStruct {
        closure: Box::new(|| {
            println!("Hello from closure!");

    println!("{}", closure_struct.closure());

Output example

Hello from closure!

Code explanation

  • struct ClosureStruct: This is the struct that contains the closure.
  • closure: Box<dyn Fn() -> i32>: This is the field of the struct that contains the closure. The closure takes no arguments and returns an i32.
  • Box::new(|| { ... }): This is the closure that is assigned to the closure field. It prints "Hello from closure!" and returns 42.
  • closure_struct.closure(): This is how the closure is called.

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