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rustGet enum value by index in Rust

In Rust, you can get the enum value by index using the .nth() method. This method takes an index as an argument and returns the enum value at that index. For example, if you have an enum called Fruit with values Apple, Banana, and Orange, you can get the value at index 1 using Fruit::nth(1). This will return Banana. You can also use the .iter() method to iterate over all the enum values. For example, Fruit::iter() will return an iterator over all the enum values.

enum Fruit {

let fruit = Fruit::nth(1);
println!("{:?}", fruit);

Output example



The Fruit enum is declared with three values: Apple, Banana, and Orange. The Fruit::nth(1) method is used to get the enum value at index 1, which is Banana. The println! macro is used to print the value of fruit, which is Banana.

Relevant links

Rust Enums

Rust Iterators

Rust println! Macro

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