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rustHow can I order strings in Rust?

Strings in Rust can be ordered using the cmp method. This method compares two strings and returns an Ordering enum which can be used to determine the ordering of the strings.

Example code

let string1 = "Hello";
let string2 = "World";

let result = string1.cmp(&string2);

println!("{:?}", result);

Output example


The cmp method takes a reference to another string as an argument and returns an Ordering enum which can have one of three values: Less, Equal, or Greater. Less is returned when the first string is lexicographically less than the second string, Equal is returned when the strings are equal, and Greater is returned when the first string is lexicographically greater than the second string.

Code explanation

  • let string1 = "Hello";: This line declares a string variable called string1 and assigns it the value "Hello".
  • let string2 = "World";: This line declares a string variable called string2 and assigns it the value "World".
  • let result = string1.cmp(&string2);: This line calls the cmp method on string1 and passes a reference to string2 as an argument. The result of the cmp method is stored in the result variable.
  • println!("{:?}", result);: This line prints the value of the result variable to the console.

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