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rustHow can I pad a Rust string to the left?

You can pad a Rust string to the left using the pad_start method. This method takes two parameters, the first being the desired length of the string and the second being the character to pad the string with.

For example:

let s = "Hello".to_string();
let padded = s.pad_start(10, ' ');
println!("{}", padded);

Output example


The code above pads the string Hello with spaces until it reaches a length of 10 characters.

The parts of the code are:

  • let s = "Hello".to_string();: This creates a string from the literal Hello.
  • let padded = s.pad_start(10, ' ');: This calls the pad_start method on the string s with the parameters 10 and ' ' (a single space character).
  • println!("{}", padded);: This prints the padded string to the console.

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