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rustHow do I convert a hex string to an integer in Rust?

To convert a hex string to an integer in Rust, you can use the u32::from_str_radix function. This function takes two parameters, the hex string and the radix (base) of the number. The radix should be set to 16 for hexadecimal numbers.

let hex_string = "FF";
let int_value = u32::from_str_radix(hex_string, 16).unwrap();
println!("{}", int_value);

Output example


Code explanation

  • let hex_string = "FF";: This line declares a variable hex_string and assigns it the value of the hex string to be converted.
  • let int_value = u32::from_str_radix(hex_string, 16).unwrap();: This line calls the u32::from_str_radix function with the hex_string and 16 as parameters. The 16 is the radix (base) of the number, which should be set to 16 for hexadecimal numbers. The .unwrap() is used to unwrap the Result type returned by the function.
  • println!("{}", int_value);: This line prints the converted integer value.

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