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rustHow do I convert a string to a character array in Rust?

To convert a string to a character array in Rust, you can use the chars() method. This method returns an iterator over the characters of a string. Here is an example:

let my_string = "Hello World";
let my_char_array: Vec<char> = my_string.chars().collect();

The output of this code will be a vector of characters: ['H', 'e', 'l', 'l', 'o', ' ', 'W', 'o', 'r', 'l', 'd'].

Code explanation

  • let my_string = "Hello World";: This declares a string variable.
  • let my_char_array: Vec<char> = my_string.chars().collect();: This uses the chars() method to convert the string to a character array, and stores it in a vector.

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