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rustHow do I reverse a string in Rust?

Reversing a string in Rust is a simple task that can be accomplished with the .chars().rev() method. This method returns an iterator that yields the characters of the string in reverse order.

let s = "Hello World";
let reversed = s.chars().rev().collect::<String>();
println!("{}", reversed);

Output example

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The code above consists of the following parts:

  1. let s = "Hello World"; - This line declares a variable s and assigns it the value of the string "Hello World".

  2. let reversed = s.chars().rev().collect::<String>(); - This line uses the .chars() method to convert the string s into an iterator of characters, then uses the .rev() method to reverse the order of the characters, and finally uses the .collect() method to collect the reversed characters into a new string.

  3. println!("{}", reversed); - This line prints the reversed string to the console.

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