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rustHow do you check if a Rust string ends with a certain character?

You can check if a Rust string ends with a certain character by using the ends_with() method. This method takes a single character as an argument and returns a boolean value.

Example code

let my_string = "Hello World!";
let result = my_string.ends_with('!');

Output example


Code explanation

  • let my_string = "Hello World!";: This line declares a string variable called my_string and assigns it the value Hello World!.
  • let result = my_string.ends_with('!');: This line calls the ends_with() method on the my_string variable, passing in the character ! as an argument. The result of the method is stored in the result variable.
  • true: This is the output of the example code, indicating that the string Hello World! does indeed end with the character !.

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