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rustHow to escape dots with regex in Rust?

Regex in Rust can be used to escape dots with the \ character. The \ character is used to escape special characters in regex. For example, the following code block:

let re = Regex::new(r"\.\d+").unwrap();

will create a regex that matches strings containing a dot followed by one or more digits. The \ character is used to escape the dot so that it is treated as a literal character instead of a special character.

The following code block shows how to use the regex to match a string containing a dot:

let text = "This is a string with a .5 in it";
let captures = re.captures(text).unwrap();
assert_eq!(captures[0], ".5");

The code above will match the string .5 in the text and store it in the captures variable.

Code explanation

  • Regex::new: This is a function used to create a new regex object.
  • r"\.\d+": This is the regex pattern used to match a dot followed by one or more digits. The \ character is used to escape the dot.
  • captures: This is a function used to match the regex pattern against a string and return the matched string.

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