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rustHow to cancel a thread in Rust?

Threads can be cancelled in Rust using the std::thread::Thread::cancel method. This method takes no arguments and returns a Result<()> indicating whether the thread was successfully cancelled.


let handle = std::thread::spawn(|| {
    println!("Hello from thread!");

let result = handle.cancel();

match result {
    Ok(_) => println!("Thread cancelled successfully"),
    Err(_) => println!("Thread could not be cancelled"),

Output example

Thread cancelled successfully

The Thread::cancel method works by sending a signal to the thread, which can be handled by the thread itself. If the thread does not handle the signal, it will be terminated.

Code explanation

  • std::thread::Thread::cancel: Method to cancel a thread
  • Result<()>: Return type of the Thread::cancel method, indicating whether the thread was successfully cancelled
  • handle.cancel(): Call the Thread::cancel method on the thread handle
  • match: Check the result of the Thread::cancel call

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