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rustHow to check if box is null in Rust

To check if a box is null in Rust, you can use the is_null() method. This method returns true if the box is null, and false otherwise.

Example code:

let my_box: Box<i32> = Box::new(5);
let is_null = my_box.is_null();
println!("Is my_box null? {}", is_null);


Is my_box null? false

Code parts:

  • let my_box: Box<i32> = Box::new(5);: This line creates a box containing an i32 value with the value 5.
  • let is_null = my_box.is_null();: This line calls the is_null() method on the my_box box, and stores the result in the is_null variable.
  • println!("Is my_box null? {}", is_null);: This line prints out the result of the is_null() method.

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